Last week, i posted that i hoped/begged the cubs to make a push to acquire the newly available curtis granderson from the tigers. Well, apparently Jim Hendry reads my blog. Looks like the cubs are 1 of 3 teams who are the front runners for granderson. ill be honest i dont see any reason the cubs dont get him. Unless you have to give up both young studs Vitters and Castro, this deal makes too much sense for the cubs. Heck, maybe in a package deal with fox, hoffpauir, marshall, and a combo of young players, you can pay the tigers to take bradley. alright thats probably too much to dream for. but seriously, granderson seems like exactly the type of player that the cubs were lacking last year. He plays with his heart on his sleeve and is all-out, all-the-time, fiery type of player and would be a great add to a subdued cubs' clubhouse. Hopefully this turns out better than the Peavy trade of last winter.....
What exactly didn't work out about the Peavy trade last year? The Sox traded for a guy they knew was hurt and might not make it back for a postseason was never a move solely for 2009, Kenny Williams rarely makes huge short term moves like that.
They now have a legit no. 1 for a couple more years that tops off a better rotation than the Cubs have. I'd say you should hope any move the Cubs make works out like that and not like the Milton Bradley signing.
i was actually referring to the cubs failed attempt at trading for peavy. I think the sox made a great trade for peavy and i wish he was in cubbie blue next year. He will be a great acquisition and for perhaps the first time this decade the sox have a rotation that is comparable to the northsiders.
you spelled "superior" as "comparable. Buerhle and Peavy are better than anything in the Cubs rotation (don't even say Big Z...he's a headcase who will never be great). Danks and Floyd round off a great top 4. Not even close.
numbers dont lie. like i said comparable. not even close to superior.
Lilly – 12-9, 3.10 era, 177 ip, 151 k
Z – 9-7, 3.77 era, 169 ip, 152 k
Wells – 12-10, 3.05 era, 165 ip, 104 k
Dempster – 11-9, 3.64 era, 200 ip, 172 k
Danks – 13-11, 200 ip, 3.77 era, 149 k
Floyd – 11-11, 4.06 era, 193 ip, 163k
Buerhle – 13-10, 3.84 era, 213 ip, 105 ks
Peavey – 9-6, 3.45 era, 101 ip, 110 k
Peavy numbers don't really apply to that comparison since he was hurt all year...and then for the rest you have to factor in the "playing against better opposition, more dangerous hitters, and not getting a free out every time through the lineup" issues that pitching in the AL brings and its not that close.
And Buehrle has a perfect game and a "perfect" game (one walk, one runner picked off first). So that props up him above anything the Cubs have.
This guy had a better year than any Chicago pitcher from either side last year:
15-10 2.87 era 238 k's in 219 ip
And that man is.....
Javier Vazquez!
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