Monday, October 26, 2009

Hawks season update

I will try my best to summarize links so that people dont have to read the whole link but i think that this article by Jesse Rogers about the Hawks season is a very good read for hawks fans. He makes some excellent points. Mostly his points are that the Hawks are playing very well especially consider their big free agent signing is still a month away from playing. Rogers also points out that there is significant room for improvement. I would especially agree with him when he talks about the absence of Eager and Burrish and how those 2's effort and hustle are very hard to replace and the Hawks have yet to do. Especially in the playoffs, i think it was quite obvious that those two guys brought a different element to the ice than other players on the roster.
I also found it extremely interesting that some Hawks players had admitted to Rogers that the team has let up in some games because they were dominating so thoroughly and this has led to letting some teams back in the game. From what i have seen the hawks are no question one of the most talented rosters in the NHL. I think this falls upon the leaders of this young team to make sure that this trend doesnt continue because otherwise it could become a bad habit.
But, i agree with Rogers that we have just seen the tip of what the Hawks are capable of this season and it will only get better for hawks fans.

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